4 Things to Expect From Short-Term Rental Management in Orlando, Florida

4 Things to Expect From Short-Term Rental Management in Orlando, Florida

Are your Orlando short-term rentals remaining vacant? Perhaps you're struggling to compete in such a saturated industry. With short-term rental management services, you don't have to struggle to find guests.

Instead, you can rely on an experienced property manager to ensure success. The best vacation rental management team can boost your occupancy rates and ROI.

Read on to learn what you can expect from the best vacation rental manager today!

1. Boost Occupancy Rates

Orlando welcomed 74 million visitors in 2022 (a 25% increase since 2021). Orlando maintains its leadership position as America's most-visited destination. With so many people visiting Orlando each year, your short-term rentals should remain booked.

If you're struggling with a high vacancy rate, your rentals could start draining money from your accounts. An experienced vacation rental management company can help you market your listing. They'll ensure your vacation rentals appear on multiple booking sites.

They'll hire a professional photographer to gather stunning, eye-catching images of your rentals. They can also use social media marketing to expand their online visibility.

With help from an experienced property manager, you can take advantage of Orlando's peak vacation season! Increasing your occupancy rates will boost your ROI.

2. Rule Enforcement

You shouldn't trust every person who wants to book a stay at your short-term rental property, though. Your property manager will take the time to screen guests on your behalf. Screening tenants will mitigate risk, allowing you to avoid problematic tenants.

Otherwise, the guests you select could damage your property. Maybe they have a history of refusing to pay for their stay.

Hire the best short-term rental property management company. In addition to screening guests, they can enforce rules on your behalf.

For example, they can refuse to allow pets or limit how many people can stay on your property. Establishing these rules will ensure you choose guests you can trust with your rental.

3. Maintenance and Repairs

If you want to make a strong first impression, you need to maintain your short-term rentals. Your property manager can handle all maintenance and repair requests.

They'll hire experienced, qualified vendors and gather competitive bids. They'll ensure qualified professionals are keeping your property in the best possible shape.

4. Payment Collection

Your short-term rental management company can handle the process of collecting payments for you. Allowing them to take over this process could help you avoid late payments.

Choose a property management company that uses state-of-the-art technology. Their resources can help you automate tasks, allowing you to save time and energy.

The US property management software market reached $1,588.6 million in 2021. If you're not using this technology already, you could fall behind industry trends.

Reliable Short-Term Rental Management

You don't have to keep managing your Orlando, FL vacation properties alone. Instead, rely on short-term rental management services. An experienced property manager can help you succeed, even in a competitive market!

Not sure which short-term rental property management company to hire? PMI Orlando MyPlace offers the highest quality services using state-of-the-art technology. You can trust our local and industry knowledge.

Contact us today to discover how we can increase the value of your short-term rentals!
